Forget all the bad, soggy oatmeal commercial soaps you’ve ever had
in your life. Picture instead a moisturized , Mango and Cocoa Butter
-imbued, with organic oatmeal . And that’s what you’ll find here
Natural Handcrafted Soap Company
. An oatmeal soap with a little something extra cream lather , a
recipe made from my grandmother’s in 1917 in Brazil … You can use on
showers everyday, and they are have long duration.
Oatmeal soap with Mango Butter
Oatmeal provides numerous health benefits,
but oatmeal soap is also good for your skin. It is effective for both
oily skin and dry skin.
Oatmeal and Stout With Shea Butter made with Guinness Extra Stout
Oatmeal soap can be used on skin at any time. It provides health
benefits to people with various skin conditions, but anyone can use
oatmeal soap to improve the health of the skin.
soap can be used on skin at any time. It provides health benefits to
people with various skin conditions, but anyone can use oatmeal soap to
improve the health of the skin.
The oatmeal naturally exfoliates your skin, with the addition of shea
butter and brazilian hazel nut oil this soap is not only alluring on
your nose , it will leave you feeling refreshed and silky soft.
The finest quality, natural ingredients. This means:
X. NO artificial , preservatives .
X. NO artificial colors . “
Product Features
. Helps relieve acne, oily skin & other skin problems
. Works against premature facial lines and wrinkles
Oatmeal soap This soap is like a crisp-edged cookie flecked with nubby oats. =}