Born in Siena the city of the best wine like Brunello di Montalcino ,Chianti Colli Senesi and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano.
Those wine are my favorite wine from that Region.
She moved to Brazil in 1917 from her home in Tuscany Italy ,where she had to learn to
(make soap from scratch) and essential oils from the plants out of necessity.
My all recipes from food to soaps is just like grandma used to make , take time to make my batches , maybe hours and moths to cure , same like cheese and wine.
This recipe is based on my Grandma Borba’s recipe, handed down from generation to generation.
I will never make any modifications , the addition of and using the same stamp same recipe and same pan is the key resulting the best natural artisan soaps.
Italian Toscane Bread !
What’s better than an Bread ? A Italian Toscano Bread!
Today, Share my Bake – ( Grandma’s Italian Bread -Pane Toscano )…