From Natural Handcrafted Soap –Sea Kelp Varesh and Goat milk Soap — is for anyone battling with skin problem .
Best Soaps for Washing Your Face if You Have Oily Skin! Citrus Soaps and Castile

The origins of Castile Soap can be traced back to The Levant
Where Aleppo Soap Makers Have Been Making Olive and Laurel Oil Based Soaps
Natural Handcrafted Castile Soap is quite simply the same purest, mildest soap made with Olive oil from Castile Old- fashioned style from Aleppo
Best Soap for Soap–Softer, Smoother Skin -
The centuries-old beauty secrets of the native Brazilians -here they are on simple soaps from the Rainforest ingredients– Copaiba and Brazil Oils.
Made from indigenous plants , fruits , oils and butters, like acai , andiroba , murumuru, coconut, Shea butter, Brazil nuts, seeds, fresh palm oil and + Brazilian oils..